Numerically solving Rayleigh-Plesset in Mathematica
Luke Barbano, a fellow Swarthmore student who previously worked under the guidance of Professor Carr Everbach, laid the groundwork for the results of my post. His goal was to simulate the radial oscillation of a single bubble when subjected to a sinusoidal ultrasound field. Though his results did not quite match literature, it was an essential part of modelling sonothrombolysis. The holy grail of any research, as Carr put it, is to reproduce the same results empirically, analytically, and numerically. If one achieves that, the problem is considered fully understood and solved; time to move on to the next enterprise, to uncharted waters. The enterprise I have been tasked with however, is much less ambitious: model ultrasound- and microbubble-assisted clot dissolution numerically.
Two sides of the same coin: modelling a blood clot numerically—relative to which my E59 project is but a droplet in a haemal ocean; and modelling microbubbles numerically. Luke’s work is the basis for the latter.
The summer one year prior, I made some ad hoc changes to Luke’s Matlab
and Mathematica
scripts but still failed to replicate literature results. Carr suggested, rather than hacking away at the same code, that I start afresh. I returned to The Acoustic Bubble (Leighton, 1994) and transferred the Rayleigh-Plesset equation
into a Mathematica script, shown below. Note η is the dynamic viscosity, usually written as μ. P(t) is the driving sound field.
Clear[R, R0, \[Rho], P0, \[Sigma], Pv, \[Eta], P, \[Kappa]]
(*initial radius 2mm*)
R0 := 0.002
(*density of water 1000 kg/m^3*)
\[Rho] := 1000
(*static pressure 101325 Pa*)
P0 := 101325
(*surface tension of water 0.07286 N/m; source: "Surface-tension values" Wikipedia*)
\[Sigma] := 0.07286
(*Vapour pressure of water 2338.8 Pa*)
Pv := 2338.8
(*Shear or dynamic viscosity of water 0.001002 Pa-s*)
\[Eta] := 0.001002
(*10kHz sound field of pressure amplitude 2.7 bar*)
P[t] := 270000*Sin[2*\[Pi]*10000*t]
(*Polytropic index 1.4 since adiabatic*)
\[Kappa] := 1.4
NDSolve[{R[t]*R''[t] + (3 (R'[t])^2)/2 ==
1/\[Rho]*((P0 + (2*\[Sigma])/R0 - Pv)*(R0/R[t])^(3*\[Kappa]) +
Pv - (2*\[Sigma])/R[t] - (4*\[Eta]*R'[t])/R[t] - P0 - P[t]),
R[0] == R0, R'[0] == 0}, R, {t, 0, 0.001}]
Plot[Evaluate[R[t] /. %], {t, 0, 0.001},
AxesLabel -> {"Time (s)", "Bubble radius R (m)"}]
Apologies for the absence of syntax highlighting; Rouge
currently does not support the Wolfram language of Mathematica—a massive oversight in my opinion.
Here’s the output:
Figure 1 matches figure 4.6 in Leighton exactly; a very encouraging sign.
The bubble behaviour in figures 1 and 4.6 are largely periodic. I ran an additional check for a bubble slightly below resonance size. If my script correctly predicts the much more chaotic oscillations one would expect that match Leighton’s figure 4.7, I feel confident I have implemented Rayleigh-Plesset correctly.
The result is decidedly unexpected.
Notice that if I lower the pressure amplitude ever so slightly, from 240,000Pa to 239,120Pa, the radius-time curve is noticeably altered, matching figure 4.7 in Leighton.
In retrospect, the fact that the bubble is near resonance size means small changes in inputs are amplified by the chaotic response of the bubble, reminding me of the logistic map. Leighton expresses a similar sentiment on page 311: “a small change in certain parameters (, , ) could bring about a dramatic change in the radius-time curve.” (pp. 311, Leighton, 1994) There are many constants present in the Rayleigh-Plesset equation that undoubtedly play a role in its solution as well. Since Leighton does not specify what values he used, it is not unreasonable that our pressure amplitudes are somewhat different.
I wanted to see whether over a longer time scale the transient response might die out, leaving behind only the stable, periodic response. Increasing t tenfold from 0—0.001s to 0—0.01s immediately saw Mathematica
throwing up its hands and throwing me a singularity or stiffness error. Fearing the latter, I wanted to switch to a stiff solver, only to discover Mathematica
usually takes care of it automatically. Singularity then.
I reduced t to just beyond the location of the suspected singularity at 0.00123s, and voilà! the radius goes to negative infinity.
Evidently the bubble is unstable; it just took a bit longer to collapse.
Suppose we make the bubble much smaller, down to microns, as characteristic of microbubbles?
This matches Leighton’s radius-time curve.
Carr provided a set of typical parameters one might encounter in realistic ultrasonic microbubble experiments:
- Amplitude (zero to max): 500kPa to 2MPa
- Frequency: 1.0MHz
- Pulse length: 5μs (5 cycles per burst)
- Bubble radius: 3.0μm, but perhaps start at 2.0μm and walk up to 3.5μm in steps of 0.1μm for 500kPa amplitude to find the resonance radius.
Here’s my Mathematica
Clear[R, R0, \[Rho], P0, \[Sigma], Pv, \[Eta], P, \[Kappa], sol]
(*initial radius 3\[Mu]m*)
R0 := 0.000003
(*density of water 1000 kg/m^3*)
\[Rho] := 1000
(*static pressure 101325 Pa*)
P0 := 101325
(*surface tension of water 0.07286 N/m; source: "Surface-tension values" Wikipedia*)
\[Sigma] := 0.07286
(*Vapour pressure of water 2338.8 Pa*)
Pv := 2338.8
(*Shear or dynamic viscosity of water 0.001002 Pa-s*)
\[Eta] := 0.001002
(*10kHz sound field of pressure amplitude 2.4 bar; also try 2.3912 bar. Pulse switches off after 5\[Mu]s.*)
P[t] := Piecewise[{{500000*Sin[2*\[Pi]*1000000*t], t < 0.000005}, {0, t >= 0.000005}}]
(*Polytropic index 1.4 since adiabatic*)
\[Kappa] := 1.4
sol = NDSolve[{R[t]*R''[t] + (3 (R'[t])^2)/2 ==
1/\[Rho]*((P0 + (2*\[Sigma])/R0 - Pv)*(R0/R[t])^(3*\[Kappa]) +
Pv - (2*\[Sigma])/R[t] - (4*\[Eta]*R'[t])/R[t] - P0 - P[t]),
R[0] == R0, R'[0] == 0}, R, {t, 0, 0.00002}]
Plot[Evaluate[R[t]*1000000 /. sol], {t, 0, 0.00002},
AxesLabel -> {"Time (s)", "Bubble radius (\[Mu]m)"}]
NMaximize[{Evaluate[R[t]/R0 /. sol[[1]]], 0 <= t <= 0.000005}, t]
The Piecewise
function is used to ‘switch-off’ the sound pulse after 5μs. Not sure why [[1]]
in the last line is necessary, though it probably has to do with ensuring dimensions match—perhaps sol
is not a scalar.
Once I recorded for from 2.0 to 3.5μm, I turned to Python
(in hindsight Mathematica
could gladly have done it) to find the resonance size.
Thankfully Rouge
supports syntax-highlighting Python
That is very close to 3.0μm, suggesting that 3.0μm bubbles are indeed amongst the ones that cavitate most violently in experiments. That said, strange, very large radial expansions are observed for . No idea why that happens—I must clear this with Carr before finalising my slideshow for ASA Boston.